Thursday, March 02, 2006

Osteopathic medicine and whole person

Osteopathic focus is on treating the whole person. Whilst osteopaths examine and treat many musculoskeletal conditions, they also consider, and may be of assistance with psychological, nutritional, exercise, and lifestyle issues.

Accumulation of stress in the body

When we experience physical or emotional stresses our body tissues tend to tighten up. The body may have been able to adapt to these effects at the time, but a lasting strain often remains. Any tensions which remain held in the body can restrict its free movement. Gradually the body may find it more and more difficult to cope with accumulated stresses and symptoms may develop.

Osteopaths focus on the whole person from structural problems to lifestyle issues...
Musculoskeletal :_ e.g
Back and neck pain, joint pain such as shoulder ,hip, foot, elbow, wrist, finger joints, ankle ,knee , etc.
Disc problems
Jaw pain / clicking
Postural problems
Repetitive strain type injuries
Rehabilitation Exercise after injury
Sporting injuries
Structural changes
Allergies e.g. hay fever
Womens and Baby Health
Colic, wind, sickness of the newborn / infant / child
Developmental and behavioral problems of the newborn / infant / child e.g. crying, ear infections, feeding problems
Pregnancy related aches and pains
Preconception and post-natal health
Woman's health and reproductive problems
Headaches and migraines
Stress / fatigue
Sleep disorders / insomnia
Digestive problems
Remember - you don't have to be in pain to benefit from osteopathic care. Good health is about prevention

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