Tuesday, March 14, 2006

About Muscle Energy Technique

Muscle Energy Technique is a direct hands-on therapy originally developed by Dr. Fred Mitchell, Sr., Osteopathic Physician, and continued by Dr. Fred Mitchell, Jr. It utilizes the patient's own gentle muscle contractions and body positioning to normalize joint motion.

When a joint doesn't have full structural potential, its function will never reach full potential no matter how many muscles are massaged!

Muscle Energy Technique can be used to treat most joints in the body, including the intervertebral joints, in a gentle, soft, safe, and effective manner. It may be an alternative to high velocity thrust techniques, which many practitioners are not licensed to perform or that may be contraindicated.

Who Benefits from Muscle Energy Technique

People who are restricted in their movements. Conditions include back pain, headache, scoliosis, sciatica, "one leg longer than the other", "one hip higher than the other", and "one shoulder higher than the other".

People who have experienced trauma lately or in the past may also benefit.

In general, most everyone can benefit from this method.

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