Saturday, March 25, 2006

Advocates for the American Osteopathic Association (AAOA)

Advocates for the American Osteopathic Association (AAOA)

The Advocates for the American Osteopathic Association (AAOA) is a non-profit organization whose members are related to osteopathic physicians. Its goal is to support public health and educate physicians through a wide range of programs.

Here are some interesting stats from their website

  • D.O.s (we) also have additional training that focuses on the body’s structure and function, and its ability to help heal itself.
  • .O.s (we) believe all parts of the body are interrelated and a problem in one system might impact the function elsewhere in the body.
  • D.O.s (we) combine our philosophy of treating the root of the problem with an understanding of the body’s ability to help heal itself.
  • The distinct group of physicians emphasizes prevention and wellness.
  • Some D.O.s also practice Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment or OMT. This is a technique in which D.O.s use their hands to help diagnose and treat an injury or illness. It is a non-invasive therapy that can be used with or sometimes in place of medication or surgery. OMT helps treat structural abnormalities allowing the physician to relieve joint restrictions and misalignments. Unlike massage therapy, OMT is deeper technique that addresses musculoskeletal problems. It is an added expertise that D.O.s can offer patients.
  • In recent years, more and more colleges of osteopathic medicine have opened to fill the demands of students who want to study osteopathic medicine. Right now, there are 20 colleges of osteopathic medicine across the country.
  • D.O.s account for about 18 percent of all family physicians.
  • D.O.s make up 15 percent of the total physician population that practice in towns of 10,000 people or less.
  • D.O.s provide a distinctive field of medicine that fills people’s demand for patient-focused care.
  • Just like M.D.s, D.O.s must attend four years of medical school, and complete an internship and residency program. D.O.s take State board exams and are licensed by the State.
  • Other than M.D.s, D.O.s are the only other group of physicians in the United States to licensed to perform surgery and prescribe medication.
  • Like M.D.s, D.O.s are complete physicians. That means the medical care D.O.s (we) provide includes performing surgery, delivering babies, and prescribing medication.
  • The D.O. philosophy of patient care focuses on the whole person, not just a specific illness or injury. This distinct approach has been the foundation of our medical education for approximately 130 years.
  • The philosophy of patient-focused care allows D.O.s to provide comprehensive health care, while making the patient fell well cared for.

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