Saturday, December 10, 2005

Why Choose a D.O. when you have lower back pain?

Source: Works Cited
ACOFP website:
Sloane, PD, Slatt LM, Curtis P. Essentials of Family Medicine. 2nd ed. Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins, 1993.

Osteopathic Family Physicians offer several advantages in the treatment of lower Back Pain.

First something about Back Pain:
Back pain is the most common chronic pain complaint seen in the office with ten percent of patients having acute low back pain that develops into a chronic problem. Also, backache is the most frequent cause of limitation of activity under the age of 45.

What D.O.'s can offer to their patients:

Structural causes account for the great majority of low back pain complaints and reflect the anatomy, physiology, and mechanics of the spine.

  1. Training in OMT: Osteopathic manipulation, in conjunction with other treatment modalities, can be used to quickly and effectively reduce the low back pain caused by radicular and discogenic pathology. Soft tissue and myofascial release techniques are easy to employ and can be used to treat both problems.Gentle gapping techniques, counterstrain, and direct inhibitory pressure of the piriformis can be used for patients with radicular complaints.
  2. Like M.D.s, D.O.s can also prescribe anti-inflammatory medications in addition to using OMT.
  3. Result: A multidimensional treatment approach including the use of anti-inflammatory medications, manipulation, and a home exercise program has been shown to help reduce the infirmity caused by low back pain.

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