Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Source: www.indianaholistichealth.net/glossary.htm

This is a very gentle form of treatment that can be used on almost any patient. The basis of this technique is the location of tender points, which are painful areas in myofascial structures that do not radiate to other parts of the body.


Considered an INDIRECT method if treatment in which the dysfunctional tissue is positioned at a point of ease, or balance, which is away from the restrictive barrier. It is based upon identifying tender points and positioning the patient so that the tenderness is relieved. Strain/counterstrain was discovered in 1955 by Lawrence H. Jones, D.O. This technique was originally called spontaneous release by positioning and has also been called positional release therapy (frequently by physical therapists).


  1. Locate the significant tender point.
  2. Place the patient in a position of optimal comfort. The goal for pain reduction should be at least 70%.
  3. Maintain the position of comfort for 90 seconds (120 seconds for ribs).
  4. Slowly return the patient to the starting position.
  5. Recheck the tender point.

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