Sunday, December 11, 2005

Do you have Neck Stiffness?

Osteopathic Treatment of Neck Problems

Muscle Strain
Most neck stiffness comes from muscle tightness of the trapezius and levator scapulae muscle, as shown in the diagram.

Cause: poor sitting posture, awkward sleeping position, sudden neck movements

Treatment: locate the muscle injury, reduce inflammation, promote lengthening of muscle and reduce pain. Ultrasound therapy may be used. Balancing muscle groups.

Background: Osteopaths manipulate these muscles so that they become lengthened and flexible. Massage works mainly to relax muscles but does not lengthen muscles; they tend to work on the surface rather than deep soft tissue release as an osteopath would. Osteopaths release tension in the muscles and improve circulation. The osteopath will rely on their skill to feel damaged tissue causing the problem. Osteopaths then go beyond the muscles and assess the spine, joints and other tissues in the area. The findings will link to your posture at work, home and sleep. Massage will not work on deeper structures and will only follow meridian channels.

Common Neck problems
Muscle strain
Joint strain/lock
Upper Rib problems
Trapped nerve

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