Thursday, December 08, 2005

Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment Benefits Go Beyond Back Pain


Public awareness about Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) is on the rise as medical studies prove the benefits of using OMT to treat back pain and health conditions like asthma. However, osteopathic physicians (D.O.s) will be quick to tell you that OMT has many other benefits, such as aiding in the treatment of pregnant mothers and their babies.

“As a D.O., I try to educate my patients about OMT by letting them know that it is one of the most unique and distinctive tools of osteopathic medicine,” says Melicien Tettambel, D.O., an osteopathic physician who practices in Kirksville, MO. “I also let them know how the use of OMT might benefit their individual health care needs.”

OMT requires a hands-on, whole body approach to diagnose health problems; treat dysfunctions; preserve good health; and prevent the spread of disease. In addition, OMT can enable D.O.s to treat and diagnose injuries or illnesses and has been found to be an effective treatment for individuals suffering from conditions ranging from carpal tunnel syndrome, menstrual pain, sinus disorders, and migraines.

Dr. Tettambel, states that OMT can benefit women during pregnancy by helping their bodies adjust to a growing uterus and displaced organs. OMT also can be used to help pregnant women with their posture by adjusting the body mechanics to work more efficiently.

“The ways that OMT can benefit a pregnant woman even extends to the delivery room,” says Dr. Tettambel. “For example, OMT used during labor can help a woman reduce the number of times she needs to push,” says Dr. Tettambel.

Infants can also benefit from OMT in a number of ways. Dr. Tettambel notes that OMT can help prevent abnormal physical development caused by how the infant reshaped his or her body to pass through the birth canal. And, recent findings show that infants and toddlers who suffer from repeat ear infections can find relief from OMT. The treatment requires the physician to put their fingers on the bony prominence behind the ear and applying a gentle rocking motion. This enables fluid to flow more freely through the ear.

“Best of all, children who received this treatment used less antibiotics and had fewer surgeries,” says Dr. Tettambel.

As complete physicians, D.O.s are able to prescribe medication, perform surgery and can be found practicing in all areas of medicine. D.O.s can also use their hands to help diagnose and treat injury and illness and to encourage the body’s natural tendency toward good health through the use of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT).

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