Monday, January 09, 2006

To current DOs and osteopathic medical students: Does OMT Have Proved Benefit? Yes and many old osteopathic physicians know about the efficacy of OMT


"I think I know the main problem that the osteopathic medical profession faces today. After graduation, too many DOs intern in hospitals were OMT is never practiced, never mentioned, and, in some cases, even prohibited. So these poor, partially educated DOs never really get an opportunity to use OMT as it should be used. "

Here is an excellent article which shows what current DOs should do (consult currently practicing physicians who have incorporated OMT into their practice in their practice)

For example, check out what the osteopathic physician had to say about incorporating OMT into his practice.

"When I retired in 1988, I had 53 years and 5 months of clinical experience as an osteopathic physician—perhaps the most extensive general practice in Minnesota—and I had administered OMT an estimated 400,000 times. These treatments were my main therapeutic procedure. The fact that so many people drove daily 20 to 120 miles for my OMT sessions indicates to me that no expensive trials of OMT are necessary. All that needs to be done to verify the efficacy of OMT is to consult old timers such as myself! "

Please visit: Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment Out of a Horse and Buggy

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