Saturday, January 28, 2006

Cervicalgia and Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment

Source: displayarticle.php/article1833.html

Can you tell me what cervicalgia is as my physician has told me that this is what I am suffering from and it should go away in time with Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment?

Cervicalgia is a medical term meaning 'pain in the neck'. This can arise due to any incident that involves sudden movement of the neck, and in many cases no particular event is remembered. The nerve roots that arise from the spinal cord in the neck can be affected by sudden stretching or compression, and pain and spasm in the muscles of the neck tend to occur as a result. Usually neck movements are painful and restricted, and the pain may radiate to the shoulder region.

Symptoms of cervicalgia include:A sharp pain in the neck. Aching in the neck. Pain when turning the head sideways.

The treatment of cervicalgia includes local heat treatment, pain-killers, rest, muscle relaxants and physiotherapy. In most cases symptoms will settle within a few weeks, but sometimes they can be prolonged. Lifestyle factors such as position of work (especially for people using VDUs), posture, and type of bed, can all play a part in prolonging this condition.

Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment, as well as providing local treatments, usually includes advice about lifestyle factors, and exercises to protect and strengthen the spine.

What can the person do about cervicalgia?

Apply ice if a tear in the muscle is suspected.
Wear a special neck collar to help the muscles rest.
See a sports injury professional who can advise on rehabilitation.
Look at possible causes of injury.

What can a physician specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation do?

Advise on a full rehabilitation programme of stretching, strengthening and sports massage techniques.
Prescribe muscle relaxing medication.
Apply traction and use Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment.

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