Sunday, January 08, 2006

Myofascial Release


Myofascial Release principles:

  • Fascia covers all organs of the body, muscle and fasciƦ cannot be separated
  • All muscle stretching is myofascial stretching.
  • Myofascial stretching in one area of the body can be felt and will affect the other body areas.
  • Release of myofascial restrictions can affect other body organs through a release of tension in the whole fascia system.
  • Myofascial release techniques work even though the exact mechanism is not yet fully understood.
The indirect myofascial release techniques are as follows:

  • With relaxed hand lightly contact the fascia.
  • Slowly stretch the fascia until reaching a barrier/ restriction.
  • Maintain a light pressure to stretch the barrier and wait for approximately 3-5 minutes.
  • Prior to release, the therapist will feel a therapeutic pulse (e.g. heat).
  • As the barrier releases, the hand will feel the motion and softening of the tissue.
  • The key is sustained pressure over time.

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