Monday, June 12, 2006

OSTEOPATHY - Pregnancy


Pregnancy is a time when women are most aware of the workings of their body. It is the largest postural change that a woman's body will undergo.

For many years, osteopaths have used their skills to help relive the aches and pains caused by weight and posture changes during and after pregnancy.

For many women pregnancy means having to cope with a whole range of symptoms from back pain to morning sickness.

As the baby grows in the womb, its extra weight results in a changed centre of gravity and posture changes from week to week. This often leads to back and leg pain.

As breast weight increases, this also causes changes and pain may occur in the upper back and neck.

Why Osteopathy

At the Malvern Osteopathic and Acupuncture Clinic treatment through pregnancy can help the body adapt to the changes which are taking place.

The safety of mother and baby is our first concern. After a thorough assessment, gentle osteopathic treatment may help to relieve the aches and pains caused by growth in size of the baby and the accommodation of the mother to this.

Advice from us can help you to change your posture and learn to use your body correctly through pregnancy.

At the Clinic we can also help to ease other side effects of pregnancy such as heartburn, indigestion, constipation and sciatic pain. Some patients too report reduced morning sickness after osteopathic treatment.

Relief From

Low back and leg pain
Neck and shoulder pain
Discomfort around the thorax and indigestion
Wrist pain
Post natal problems of the coccyx
Osteopathic treatment during pregnancy is not new. For many years, osteopaths have used their skills to help, employing gentle rhythmic relaxation and soft tissue techniques to ease supporting muscles and ligaments.

Every pregnancy is 'special'. We focus on the mother as a person and take account of her emotional state and other factors as well as her physical condition.

Treatment may be supplemented by exercises and other forms of self help which the osteopath may prescribe for the mother to do at home.

We can advise on positions in labour to help prevent back problems later. Pain relief techniques can also be shown to the mother and her partner or friend so that they can help during labour.

After delivery it is advised that mother and child return for structural examination, advice and check ups and, if necessary, for treatment.

Useful Tips

Look after your back during pregnancy. Take particular care when lifting and carrying - especially lifting other children or carrying shopping. Do not carry a small child on one hip for any length of time. Ask your osteopath for simple back stretching exercises.
If you stand for any length of time, keep your bottom 'tucked in' to reduce the curvature of the lower part of your spine.
When sitting, use a cushion for support and don't sit with your legs crossed. Avoid twisting movements. These may cause torsional strain within the pelvis.
Lying on your side in bed, place a pillow under 'the bump' to provide support and also put a pillow between your knees to prevent back strain.
If you prefer to lie on your back, place pillows beneath your knees to keep them bent.
Buy a pram with handles at a comfortable height for you.

Osteopaths are skilled practitioners
Osteopaths deal with pain every day
Osteopaths can advise on good posture
Osteopaths may help to relieve back and leg pain in pregnancy
Osteopaths can advise on pain relief during labour
Return for advice and a check-up after deliver


Ecacofonix said...

I have put up a web page that contains all the research resources I gathered while doing research for my mom's leg pain treatments is at ...

I hope this link and resources there are useful to some of you

Thanks, NS

Ecacofonix said...

I have put up a web page that contains all the research resources I gathered while doing research for my mom's leg pain treatments is at Treatments for chronic leg pain...

I hope this link and resources there are useful to some of you

Thanks, NS