Monday, June 12, 2006

OSTEOPATHY - Arthritis

A large amount of our time at the Malvern Osteopathic and Acupuncture Clinic is spent in dealing with the pain and suffering caused to patients as a result of arthritis.

Many people mistakenly assume that arthritis is untreatable and that they must learn to live with their symptoms.

In many cases, we help considerably to relieve the pain and improve the quality of life for arthritis sufferers.

Why Osteopathy?
At the clinic we may well require x-rays, blood tests or even MRI scans to assess the extent of your condition. If we felt these were indicated we would make the necessary arrangements.

There are many popular misconceptions about arthritis.

For example

Degenerative change on x-rays means that nothing can be done
My doctor says all I can do is to take pain killers or anti-inflammatories
Nobody can reverse the changes which have taken place but osteopathic treatment can do so much to reduce pain, ease swelling and improve mobility and range of joint movement.

You don't have to live with any of these:

Neck pain

Low back pain

Hip pain
Lack of mobility

Early morning stiffness


Our treatment is aimed at improving mobility and reducing inflammatory processes by using gentle, manual osteopathic techniques on joints, muscles and ligaments.

You will be given positive advice related to your lifestyle about how you use your body. Age is no barrier to osteopathy since each patient is considered individually.

Exercises to do at home may also be prescribed to improve the way joints work, even though they may be worn, and to reduce muscle spasm. Exercise in warm water or salt baths may also be recommended.

Osteopathy is not a cure-all and there are times when surgery may be necessary - such as hip replacement when you will be referred to a specialist via your GP. However osteopathy can help with rehabilitation after surgery.

1 comment:

txdave said...

I have a fairly new, last 3 months, blog on relieving back, neck and shoulder pain called or Back Be Better.

While I have articles on relief through yoga, exercises, arthritis, rtqwnjrinformation and products, I thought I would ask for some specific ideas from people who have experienced back, neck and shoulder pain.

What do you need to know? What would help you most?

Thanks Dave