Saturday, June 24, 2006

Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment at The Kohn Group, Ltd., an Osteopathic Medicine Practice located in McHenry, Illinois

great place for OMT !

Taken from

People who have tried various solutions for their pain and suffering from many doctors have been told, "Learn to live with it." Osteopathic Medicine offers a chance to live without pain and suffering by treating the cause of the problem, not just the symptoms, and Osteopathic Medicine stresses preventative techniques to help keep the problem from recurring. Each of the caring professionals at the Kohn Group is committed to helping you to feel better and assist your body in healing.

Dr. Bernadette Kohn and the staff of the Kohn Group use many Diagnostic Tools and offer many different Treatment Modalities to ensure that the patient receives the most up to date neuromuscular diagnostic, therapeutic, and prevention techniques for healing and health. Following are descriptions of the various Diagnostic Tools and Treatments used by Dr. Bernadette.

Much more in depth information about Dr. Robert Kohn and the Treatments and Diagnostic Tools that are used in his Neuro-Psychiatry practice can be found on the following web site:

Comprehensive Whole Body Biomechanical Exam

The examination of a patient by an osteopathic physician with emphasis on the neuromusculoskeletal system including palpatory diagnosis for somatic dysfunction and viscerosomatic change, in the context of total patient care. The examination is concerned with range of motion of all parts of the body, performed with the patient in multiple positions to provide static and dynamic evaluation. (Text from American Osteopathic Association Glossary)

This detailed view of whole body mechanics:

*Helps your doctor understand why you haven't gotten well yet.
*Could be used to prevent further problems.

Osteopathic Manipulative Treatments

OMT is a hands-on treatment where Osteopathic Physicians use their hands to examine your back and other parts of your body such as joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles, for pain and restriction during motion that could signal an injury or impaired function.

"I suffered from carpal tunnel syndrome on and off for a few years...Dr. Kohn used osteopathic manipulation on various parts of my body. After the first treatment, there was great improvement and I could sleep through the night for the first time in weeks..Thank you Dr. Kohn... She listens to not only what you have to say, but also to what your body tells her as she examines you. Dr. Kohn and her staff are pleasant and professional and they are concerned about each patient."
Linda, a Kohn Group patient

Dr. Bernadette Kohn's Osteopathic Manipulative Treatments include the following:

* Cranial Osteopathy

Cranial osteopathy is a form of osteopathic manipulative therapy that makes use of a body rhythm (craniosacral rhythm) that we all have, to detect and treat restrictions of motion. We are not normally aware of it, but the body (including the head) very slowly and subtly widens and narrows every six to ten seconds. Accompanying this, is an inward and outward rotation of the limbs similar in quality to the rolling of an ocean wave.

*Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release (MFR) A system of diagnosis and treatment first described by Andrew Taylor Still and his early students, which engages continual palpatory feedback to achieve release of myofascial tissues; the myofascial tissue consists of the muscles and fascia. Dr. Bernadette applies her fingers to the surface of the skin or other tissues, using varying amounts of pressure, to selectively determine the condition of the parts beneath. Also referred to as MFR, this procedure to designed to stretch and reflexly release patterned soft tissue and joint-related restrictions. (Parts of Text from American Osteopathic Association Glossary)

* Counterstrain

A system of diagnosis and treatment that considers the dysfunction to be a continuing, inappropriate strain reflex, which is inhibited by applying a position of mild strain in the direction exactly opposite to that of the reflex; this is accomplished by specific directed positioning about the point of tenderness to achieve the desired therapeutic response. (Text from American Osteopathic Association Glossary)

*Muscle Energy

Manipulative Treatment in which the patient's muscles are actively used on request from a precisely controlled position, in a specific direction, and against a distinctly executed counterforce. Read More...

* Fulford Percussion Hammer
What is the Fulford Percussion Hammer?

The Fulford Percussion Hammer was invented by Dr. Robert Fulford to help treat the fascial "stuckness" in the body. He was an engineer and an osteopathic physician who determined that the use of the percussion hammer through a vibrational frequency is very effective in "unlocking" stuck fascia. Read More...

"Dr. Bernadette is one of the kindest, most gentle doctors I have ever met. She is well versed in Osteopathic Medicine. She truly enjoys what she does, and most importantly, her manipulation techniques truly make a difference."
Mike, a Kohn Group patient

*High Velocity Low Amplitude

A thrust treatment technique that uses High Velocity/Low Amplitude forces. (Text from American Osteopathic Association Glossary)

*Soft Tissue Deep Articulation

What is Soft Tissue Deep Articulation?

The Physician gently and repeatedly forces the joint against the restrictive barrier, intending to reduce the barrier and improve motion. Read More...

*Facilitated Positional Release

A system of indirect myofascial release treatment. The component region of the body is placed in a neutral position, diminishing tissue and joint tension in all planes and an activating force (compression or torsion) is added. (Text from American Osteopathic Association Glossary)

Monday, June 19, 2006

Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment in Action: Helping Athletes

Oilers' Murray makes amazing comeback

Associated Press

EDMONTON, Alberta - Rem Murray's head shook and twitched as he recounted his long, hard journey from forced retirement to the Stanley Cup finals.

Those involuntary movements aren't ideal for an elite hockey player, but they stand as a major improvement over the condition the veteran NHL forward was in two years ago.

Back then, Murray could no longer hide a worsening condition that bothered him for a few months and finally landed him in an emergency room in Toronto. His neck locked into a frozen position against his left shoulder and couldn't be moved.

Now with the help of Botox injections and loyalty from the Edmonton Oilers, Murray and the club he broke in with are enjoying a spring no one will soon forget.

"There were several days where I felt like throwing my head through a wall," said Murray, who rejoined the Oilers in March in time for their unexpected run to the finals. "I never really got to the point where I said, 'Why me?' or things like that. I tried to keep as positive as I can and look for answers."

Murray began feeling his head start to lean uncontrollably to the left in the fall of October 2003. He was in his first full season with the Nashville Predators and decided to play through it.

As he did, he also kept what he was feeling a secret. He was 31 and enjoying the prime of his career.

"It's scary because you don't know what's going on with your body and you can't control it," Murray said. "I continued to play and it continued to progress to the point where it was really affecting the way I was playing."

He had gotten off to a good start, scoring eight goals and adding nine assists in 39 games. But all was not right.

Not only was his performance on the ice starting to slip, suddenly everyday activities were becoming more difficult.

"It was pretty low," he said. "It was something that was very painful. Just doing any menial task like reading a newspaper or anything like that was impossible. I was fortunate enough to have two little kids at the time to take my mind off of it quite a bit."

That changed shortly after.

Following a 6-0 loss at Detroit in early January 2004, Murray was giving a postgame interview - describing how Curtis Joseph stopped his scoring chance in the second period. That wasn't the most important thing on his mind because as he talked he found he couldn't keep his head still.

"I figured at that point I'd better tell someone," he said. "We played in Toronto the next night. I went to the emergency room and I was lucky - extremely lucky - that there was a neurologist on call that night who diagnosed me immediately."

Murray was told he had an incurable neurological movement disorder called cervical dystonia. The lucky part was a quick and accurate diagnosis - something that often eludes those afflicted.

He returned to Nashville and saw two other neurologists who prescribed Botox to relieve the tightening of the muscles.

"It was obviously devastating," said Ryan Smyth, who has been with the Oilers since the 1994-95 season. "He didn't know if he was ever going to play again. To be where he's at right now is awesome. He's a great teammate, he's a great person. He has a lot of respect within this locker room and other locker rooms."

After trying several methods including acupuncture and other natural procedures, Murray settled on the Botox injections which were helpful but didn't immediately offer a promise of a return to NHL status.

Murray filed his retirement papers and began collecting disability insurance.

The injections were given every three months, and combined with manual osteopathic treatment got Murray thinking about a return to hockey. Even if it wasn't the NHL, he wanted to give it a shot.
"I was trying to do everything I could to try to get back and play," he said amid the excitement of the Oilers dressing room.

It worked.

The intense physical therapy and the Botox improved Murray's condition made him fit enough to join Houston of the AHL. His play there got the attention of Oilers coach Craig MacTavish, who had him for two previous seasons.

On March 5, Murray was back in Edmonton, back in the NHL, and back where he never thought he'd be again.

"He's playing the type of hockey that he played before," MacTavish said. "Couldn't be happier for him. We like to in a lot of ways base our philosophy largely on loyalty. He's a guy that we have a great deal of loyalty to from the way that he played here."

Murray wasn't lured back to the NHL by money, and he isn't playing for much. His deal with the Oilers is worth only $450,000 but Murray has to return the $1 million disability insurance payout he received in 2004.

"He's playing for peanuts. He's not playing for anything but the love of the game," Smyth said. "There's a lot of negative things that were going on with him. It was a matter of him trying to find a way out of it. He did, but it was still a shocker to get back to this level and the inspiration that he had to want to play again."

All that drive made him the Oilers' nominee for the Bill Masterton Memorial Trophy, given to a player that shows perseverance, dedication while overcoming great lengths to play.

Murray started slow upon his return to the NHL but finished the regular season with a goal and assist in nine games. He got stronger along with the rest of his teammates and played every game of the postseason - with increasing playing time - against Detroit, San Jose, and Anaheim en route to his first appearance in the finals.

"To come here and play in the NHL again after I thought I never would was huge for me," he said. "It was so much fun, and being able to be on this ride, it's almost surreal."

Monday, June 12, 2006

Osteopath, United Kingdom and Pain

What is Pain?
Pain is a warning signal that something is wrong. It is the body's natural defence mechanism to alert you to a problem but also it is there to stop you. Look upon it as a red traffic light.

We can diagnose the cause of pain and can do a great deal to help reduce the level of your pain and suffering.

But what directly causes pain? More often than not it is the result of localised swelling of tissue which creates pressure on nerves.

Why an Osteopath?
At the Clinic we can help to reduce inflamed tissues by a number of methods ranging from massage of soft tissues, manipulation ultra-sound and TENS.

This helps to reduce muscle spasm and increase mobility, helping to create a normal anatomical environment in which damaged tissues can heal.

Much long-term, chronic pain is caused by degenerative changes to the body's framework. Nobody can reverse the changes which have taken place. However, osteopathic treatment using gentle, manual techniques on joints, muscles and ligaments may often ease pain, reduce swelling and improve the mobility and range of joint movement.

Britain's 2600 osteopaths are handy people to know, as their 5,000,000 patients a year would agree. Pain control is an important part of treatment and osteopaths give guidance on simple self-help methods to use at home.

Your Pain

Low Back Pain Rheumatic Pain Leg Pain
Neck Pain Pain From Injury Sports Injury
Headaches Arthritic Pain Period Pain
Joint Pain Join Stiffness

The skilled techniques of our Clinic can allow you a speedy return to normal activity. Treatment is aimed to reduce pain, discomfort and allow relief from your symptoms. There are times when it is wise for you to take medication as well as receiving osteopathic treatment. We frequently work in close co-operation with your doctor.


Osteopaths are skilled health professionals
Osteopaths deal with pain every day
UK osteopaths treat 5 million people every year who are suffering from pain
Osteopaths can help you both with treatment and self help
Osteopaths treat acute pain
Osteopaths treat chronic pain

OSTEOPATHY - Arthritis

A large amount of our time at the Malvern Osteopathic and Acupuncture Clinic is spent in dealing with the pain and suffering caused to patients as a result of arthritis.

Many people mistakenly assume that arthritis is untreatable and that they must learn to live with their symptoms.

In many cases, we help considerably to relieve the pain and improve the quality of life for arthritis sufferers.

Why Osteopathy?
At the clinic we may well require x-rays, blood tests or even MRI scans to assess the extent of your condition. If we felt these were indicated we would make the necessary arrangements.

There are many popular misconceptions about arthritis.

For example

Degenerative change on x-rays means that nothing can be done
My doctor says all I can do is to take pain killers or anti-inflammatories
Nobody can reverse the changes which have taken place but osteopathic treatment can do so much to reduce pain, ease swelling and improve mobility and range of joint movement.

You don't have to live with any of these:

Neck pain

Low back pain

Hip pain
Lack of mobility

Early morning stiffness


Our treatment is aimed at improving mobility and reducing inflammatory processes by using gentle, manual osteopathic techniques on joints, muscles and ligaments.

You will be given positive advice related to your lifestyle about how you use your body. Age is no barrier to osteopathy since each patient is considered individually.

Exercises to do at home may also be prescribed to improve the way joints work, even though they may be worn, and to reduce muscle spasm. Exercise in warm water or salt baths may also be recommended.

Osteopathy is not a cure-all and there are times when surgery may be necessary - such as hip replacement when you will be referred to a specialist via your GP. However osteopathy can help with rehabilitation after surgery.

Osteopathic Medicine in Britan

Osteopathy is a safe and natural approach to health care. Patients may be treated for health problems from the trauma of birth to the arthritis of the elderly, from the cradle to the rocking chair.

Britain's osteopaths see over five million patients every year.

Most practise privately at their own clinics. Increasingly, too, they are working within the NHS to make osteopathy more widely available.

What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy focuses on the musculo-skeletal system (the bones, joints, muscles, ligaments and connective tissue) and the way in which this inter-relates with the body as a whole. It combines scientific knowledge of anatomy and physiology and clinical methods of investigation.

Osteopaths diagnose and treat faults which occur because of injury, stress or perhaps disease, to enable the musculo-skeletal system to work as efficiently as possible, allowing the body to restore itself to normal function. A caring approach and attention to the individual is considered particularly important.

After treatment, an osteopath can advise on maintaining a realistic level of health and avoiding those things which might be damaging. For example, remedial exercises to adjust posture or advice on diet and lifestyle can be given as part of a personal health care programme.

What about Treatment?
Instead of drugs, osteopaths use their hands both to discover the underlying causes of pain and to carry out treatment using a variety of manipulative techniques. These may include soft tissue stretching, rhythmic passive joint movements or high velocity thrust techniques to improve the range of movement of a joint. Gentle release techniques are often used, particularly when treating children or elderly patients.

What do Osteopaths Treat?
A recent survey of osteopathic practices underlined the wide range of patients treated.

Half suffer low back trouble
Most back pains result from mechanical disturbances of the spine - postural strains, joint derangements and spinal disc injuries. Osteopathy, with its comprehensive approach to health care, is a particularly successful approach to treatment.
Over half are women
Many women are working mothers and both aspects of their lives can give rise to problems, from the perennial headache to severe musculo-skeletal disorders.
Many headaches originate from stiffness and tension in the neck and osteopathic treatment can often bring relief. Pregnancy can put a strain on the low back and osteopathic treatment can help the body to adjust.

A quarter are in their forties
Many patients are losing fitness at this stage in their lives and are more prone to injury. Osteopaths consider all the factors, examining posture and the strength and flexibility of muscles, ligaments and tendons. Treatment is designed to alleviate current problems and to help prevent recurrences.

Many are elderly
Painkillers are not the only solution for the aches and pains associated with ageing. For more permanent relief it is necessary to eliminate the underlying causes of pain, a job for which the osteopath is specifically trained. Osteopathy can also help in reducing pain and stiffness in the less acute stages of arthritis.
Many problems relate to work
Work, whether it be at a computer terminal or in heavy industry, can give rise to disorders of the muscles, tendons and joints, particularly in the back, hands and arms. Osteopaths treat many conditions relating to the workplace and can give remedial advice and preventative exercise.

OSTEOPATHY - Pregnancy


Pregnancy is a time when women are most aware of the workings of their body. It is the largest postural change that a woman's body will undergo.

For many years, osteopaths have used their skills to help relive the aches and pains caused by weight and posture changes during and after pregnancy.

For many women pregnancy means having to cope with a whole range of symptoms from back pain to morning sickness.

As the baby grows in the womb, its extra weight results in a changed centre of gravity and posture changes from week to week. This often leads to back and leg pain.

As breast weight increases, this also causes changes and pain may occur in the upper back and neck.

Why Osteopathy

At the Malvern Osteopathic and Acupuncture Clinic treatment through pregnancy can help the body adapt to the changes which are taking place.

The safety of mother and baby is our first concern. After a thorough assessment, gentle osteopathic treatment may help to relieve the aches and pains caused by growth in size of the baby and the accommodation of the mother to this.

Advice from us can help you to change your posture and learn to use your body correctly through pregnancy.

At the Clinic we can also help to ease other side effects of pregnancy such as heartburn, indigestion, constipation and sciatic pain. Some patients too report reduced morning sickness after osteopathic treatment.

Relief From

Low back and leg pain
Neck and shoulder pain
Discomfort around the thorax and indigestion
Wrist pain
Post natal problems of the coccyx
Osteopathic treatment during pregnancy is not new. For many years, osteopaths have used their skills to help, employing gentle rhythmic relaxation and soft tissue techniques to ease supporting muscles and ligaments.

Every pregnancy is 'special'. We focus on the mother as a person and take account of her emotional state and other factors as well as her physical condition.

Treatment may be supplemented by exercises and other forms of self help which the osteopath may prescribe for the mother to do at home.

We can advise on positions in labour to help prevent back problems later. Pain relief techniques can also be shown to the mother and her partner or friend so that they can help during labour.

After delivery it is advised that mother and child return for structural examination, advice and check ups and, if necessary, for treatment.

Useful Tips

Look after your back during pregnancy. Take particular care when lifting and carrying - especially lifting other children or carrying shopping. Do not carry a small child on one hip for any length of time. Ask your osteopath for simple back stretching exercises.
If you stand for any length of time, keep your bottom 'tucked in' to reduce the curvature of the lower part of your spine.
When sitting, use a cushion for support and don't sit with your legs crossed. Avoid twisting movements. These may cause torsional strain within the pelvis.
Lying on your side in bed, place a pillow under 'the bump' to provide support and also put a pillow between your knees to prevent back strain.
If you prefer to lie on your back, place pillows beneath your knees to keep them bent.
Buy a pram with handles at a comfortable height for you.

Osteopaths are skilled practitioners
Osteopaths deal with pain every day
Osteopaths can advise on good posture
Osteopaths may help to relieve back and leg pain in pregnancy
Osteopaths can advise on pain relief during labour
Return for advice and a check-up after deliver

Monday, June 05, 2006

Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment and menstruation


Dysmenorrhea is painful or difficult menstruation. Primary dysmenorrhea is diagnosed when no obvious underlying cause is found. Secondary dysmenorrhea is associated with an identified cause. Secondary dysmenorrhea is most often linked to gynecologic disorders such as endometriosis.

Primary dysmenorrhea is more common than secondary dysmenorrhea and usually starts during adolescence. Either form of dysmenorrhea can be severe enough to interfere with daily activities, disrupting school or work. Primary dysmenorrhea often becomes less severe with age and after pregnancy. Although the cause of primary dysmenorrhea is unknown, the pain experienced is thought to result from contractions of the uterus that occur when the blood supply to its lining (endometrium) is reduced.

Dysmenorrhea can cause pain in the lower abdomen, extending to lower back or legs. The pain may manifest as cramps that come and go or a constant dull ache. Often, the pain starts shortly before or during the menstrual period, peaks after 24 hours, and subsides within two days. Other common symptoms include headache, nausea, constipation or diarrhea, irritability, nervousness, depression, abdominal bloating, and an urge to urinate frequently. When the pain is severe, vomiting may occur.

Standard medical treatment for primary dysmenorrhea usually involves nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, naproxen, and mefenamic acid. The treatment of secondary dysmenorrhea depends on the cause. Surgery may be utilized to widen the cervical canal, or in extreme cases, to sever the nerves to the uterus.


Edgar Cayce discussed the causes and treatment of dysmenorrhea in approximately 90 readings. Many of these cases would likely be diagnosed as dysmenorrhea by current medical criteria. The most frequently cited factor in the causation of dysmenorrhea as described by Edgar Cayce was nervous system dysfunction. Most often, pressure on nerves along the lower spine was the source of the problem. The twelfth dorsal (thoracic) vertebrae, and throughout the lumbar, sacral and coccyx (tailbone) areas were specifically mentioned in many readings. Nerves from these centers provide impulse to the organs of the reproductive system. Disruption of nerve impulse can disrupt the natural elimination process during menstruation:

(Q) Can the Forces suggest a remedy or cure for the painful and excess flowing during the menstrual period?
(A) Correct those conditions in the lower dorsal! (2261-1)

(Q) How is it that I suffer so during the first day of menstruation? Please give correction.
(A) This is according to the position of the organs of expulsion. This may be best aided by the use of hot salt packs, you see, during the first day; and then the general corrections osteopathically may overcome the condition entirely.
(Q) What specific osteopathic treatments would be necessary (to correct the position of the organs and prevent painful menstruation)?
(A) Those for the correction of subluxations existing in the last dorsals - 11th and 12th, and in the lumbar axis. (1431-2)

In several instances, pressure on the reproductive tract was traced to the colon. Poor eliminations through the lower bowel (constipation) was a direct influence on the menstrual process. Reading 911-6 seems to be describing a pre-mentrual component associated with poor eliminations through the alimentary canal:

(Q) What can I do to avoid severe body disturbances at the periods before menstruation, and pain at that time?
(A) If the colon is kept cleansed at or before such periods, this will relieve the greater part of the distresses that are usually indicated. There is pressure on the organs of the pelvis before such periods. It is well that there not be too much mental or physical exercise for the body at that time. (911-6)

The after-effects of cold and congestion was mentioned in several readings as a cause of dysmenorrhea. Reading 467-1 describes how cold and congestion, combined with nerve pressures along the lower spine, alters the position of the womb resulting in painful menstruation.

At a time back, during a period of menstruation there was cold and congestion in the body, so that the effect to the body was for a contraction in the pelvic organs, for the turning of the womb itself in such a position that the nerve influences have tended to keep the organ in this position by the manner of the affectation that has existed and does exist in the body itself.
This, then, produces a severe pain at the periods, and makes for the effect upon the activity of the kidneys, the organs of the pelvis, and the character of headaches experienced. Also there is the effect produced which is contributory to the digestive disturbances in body, the inability for the activities of normalcy through the periods, and the bearing down pains in the lower extremities when being long on feet; the ineffectiveness in creating proper digestive forces for the system, or for the body to be normal in its diet or desire for diet… (467-1)

The treatment plan for this woman included osteopathic treatment, hot packs, electrotherapy, a medicine (Tonicine) to work with the glandular system, and an alkaline diet to improve assimilation and eliminations.

Reading 288-38 contains some excellent suggestions for utilizing exercise, diet and positive mental attitudes for treating dysmenorrhea:

(Q) Should I MAKE myself take the evening exercises of the lower limbs, even when I'm so tired and heavy that I can't put any pep into it?
(A) The best way to acquire the correct amount of pep is to take the exercise!
(Q) When I don't walk during the day, are the evening exercises sufficient to equalize the circulation to the lower limbs?
(A) Provided the exercises are of sufficient duration and sufficient character to insure the activity in these portions of the system. Well that there be the riding of the bicycle; that is, the exercise of same from the shoulders and the limbs, upward, and movements as of riding, see?
(Q) Why do I always suffer menstrual pains?
(A) Owing to the incoordination as we have indicated in the adrenals and the caecum areas, making for pressures during the periods. These, then, require that the exercises and that the positions of the body in its activities make for the proper coordinations.
Through diet and exercise the greater portion of all disturbances may be equalized and overcome, if the right mental attitude is kept. (288-38)

The exercise is intended to relieve pressures much as the osteopathic manipulations recommended in other cases of painful menstruation. Diet and positive mental attitude were consistently emphasized in the readings for women suffering from dysmenorrhea.


Conceptually, the Cayce approach to dysmenorrhea focuses on assisting the body in healing itself by the application of a variety of therapies intended to provide symptomatic relief while also addressing the underlying causes of the condition. The mental and spiritual aspects of healing are emphasized from the standpoint of working with a spiritual ideal.

Here are some general therapeutic guidelines intended to address the underlying causes of dysmenorrhea:

MANUAL THERAPY (SPINAL MANIPULATION): Cayce often recommended spinal manipulations to correct specific problems which may be a primary cause of dysmenorrhea. It is difficult to obtain the osteopathic adjustments specified by Cayce. However, a chiropractor may be of some help. The frequency of the adjustments will depend on the recommendations of the individual chiropractor or osteopath. The use of an electric vibrator may also be helpful for individuals unable to obtain regular spinal adjustments.
DIET: The Basic Cayce Diet is intended to improve assimilation and elimination. The diet focuses heavily on keeping a proper alkaline/acid balance while avoiding foods which produce toxicity and drain the system. Essentially, the diet consists mainly of fruits and vegetables while avoiding fried foods and refined carbohydrates ("junk food"). Certain food combinations are emphasized.
INTERNAL CLEANSING: Because dysmenorrhea was often linked with poor eliminations, hydrotherapy is recommended to improve eliminations through the colon. Hydrotherapy includes drinking six to eight glasses of pure water daily and obtaining colonic irrigations to cleanse the bowel. Following the diet should also assist with internal cleansing. Abdominal castor oil packs used prior to the menstrual period assist with cleansing the the alimentary canal.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Although various forms of electrotherapy were recommended for problems associated with dysmenorrhea, the Radial Appliance is suggested in this protocol because it is safe and easy to use. Regular use of the Radial Appliance may be helpful in balancing circulation, increasing relaxation, and improving sleep. Radial Appliance sessions provide an excellent opportunity to meditate and decrease stress.
EXERCISE: Moderate regular exercise is suggested (such as walking or riding a bicycle). Specific stretching exercises taken morning and evening may be helpful in relieving pressures on the nerve centers, pelvic organs, and the alimentary canal.
ATTITUDES AND EMOTIONS: The mental and spiritual aspects of healing are frequently discussed in the Cayce readings. Particularly, an attitude of desiring and expecting to be healed is important. A positive mental and emotional attitude and can be created and maintained by focusing on a high purpose (spiritual ideal) for being healed.

The above general recommendations should be helpful for addressing the causes of dysmenorrhea. However for symptomatic relief, here are some specific recommendations which may help to relieve some of the numerous complaints which can be associated with dysmenorrhea:

MENSTRUAL PAIN: Edgar Cayce often recommended hot Epsom salts packs over the lower abdomen or lower back for acute menstrual pain. Sitz baths may also be helpful in relieving pelvic pain associated with dysmenorrhea.

BREAST FULLNESS AND PAIN: Gently massage cocoa butter into breast. Also spinal adjustments to the upper cervical vertebrae (especially third cervical) may be helpful.

INSOMNIA: Use of the Radial Appliance and/or the electric vibrator along the spine should improve the quality and quantity of sleep. Taking a glass of warm milk with honey in it at bedtime was also recommended by Edgar Cayce to help individuals get to sleep.

CONSTIPATION: Cayce recommended a variety of laxatives for relief from constipation. As a principle, Edgar Cayce typically advised that the same laxative not be used continuously because the body can develop a dependence upon that form. Alternating laxatives is recommended.