Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Mind Body and Spirit: Total Body Healing!

Because osteopathy recognizes that all parts of the body work together to create healing, the mind or brain is considered part of this holistic system. Therefore, osteopathy considers that disorder in body structure can cause or exacerbate mental problems like depression. In turn, it is thought that mental disorder can cause or exacerbate physical disease.

Osteopathic physicians use all of the tools available through modern medicine including prescription medicine and surgery. They also incorporate osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) into their regimen of patient care when appropriate. OMT is a set of manual medicine techniques that may be used to relieve pain, restore range of motion, and enhance the body's capacity to heal.

There is no distinct spiritual component of osteopathy, but some modern practitioners recognize a bodily “energy” (like the Eastern concept of chi) as a healing force.

How does osteopathy work?

Long nerves connect the spine to various organs in the body. Andrew Taylor Still believed that every disease or illness began with structural problems in the spine. According to Still, when problems arise in the spine the nerves send abnormal signals to the body's organs. Still called these spinal problems "osteopathic lesions" ("osteo" for bone and "pathic" for diseased), and devised osteopathic manipulation techniques (OMTs) to treat them. Such lesions are detected by the osteopathic doctor from abnormal texture of the skin and other soft tissues of the body as well as from restricted range of motion in the joints. OMTs range from light pressure on the soft tissues to high-velocity thrusts on the joints. These treatments, he believed, would return the nerves to their normal function and allow the blood to flow freely throughout the circulatory system. With structure restored, the body's own natural healing powers would then be able to restore the entire body to full health.

What happens during a visit to the osteopath?

A visit to a D.O. is much like a visit to your family doctor. The D.O. will ask you questions about your medical history, physical condition, and lifestyle. However, because D.O.'s have particular expertise in musculoskeletal systems (namely, bones, joints, and soft tissues like ligaments and tendons), the physical exam of that bodily system will be more extensive than one with your family doctor. During the physical, the D.O. will assess your posture, spine, and balance; check your joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments; and may use his or her hands to manipulate your back, legs, or arms. Variations in your skin temperature and sweat gland activity will also be measured. If needed, the D.O. will order X-rays and laboratory tests. When the results are in, the D.O. will make a diagnosis and establish a treatment plan for you that may even include prescriptions for medications.

For problems involving the bones, muscles, tendons, tissues, or spine, many current day (but not all) D.O.s use OMTs. There are two categories of OMT procedures: direct and indirect. In direct OMT, "problem" or "tight" tissues are moved (by the D.O., the person being treated, or both) toward the areas of tightness or restricted movement. In indirect OMT, the D.O. pushes the "tight" tissues away from the area of restricted movement, in the opposite direction of the muscle's resistance. He or she holds the tissues in this position until the tight muscle relaxes.

What illnesses and conditions respond well to osteopathy?

OMTs can be applied to a variety of health problems, both musculoskeletal and non-musculoskeletal. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, OMTs are most effective for back and neck pain. In fact, if you have back pain, you may be able to reduce the amount of pain medication you are taking if you receive OMT as part of your therapy. One study showed that patients with pancreatitis were able to go home from the hospital sooner when they had OMT.

In one small study, people with Parkinson's disease were able to walk better after only one session of OMT. Another study looked at 38 patients who had knee surgery. Those who had OMT were able to walk up stairs 20% earlier than those who did not have OMT.

A study of 100 people with high blood pressure treated only with OMT showed that OMT produced significant reductions in blood pressure.

Studies show that OMT eases breathing, drains the sinuses and relieves the symptoms, duration, and recurrence of the common cold.

Osteopathy may also be an effective way to treat carpal tunnel syndrome. More studies are needed to confirm this.

Examples of other conditions for which OMT may be helpful include:

* stress-related problems (such as tension headaches, muscle spasm)
* strains and sprains (especially of the neck and back)
* shoulder pain
* osteoarthritis
* headaches
* painful menstruation
* injuries (such as whiplash)
* scoliosis (side to side curvature of the spine)
* infantile colic
* insomnia

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