Friday, February 10, 2006

Cranial Osteopathy Treats:


Highly recommend visiting:

THANK YOU DR.JACOB for having such a nice website!

  • Newborn irritability, colic, spitting up, poor suckle, ear infections.
  • Some developmental delay syndromes-especially if concomitant long labor, difficult labor, suction, forceps, induction, or "timed delivery" was present.
  • Plagiocephaly (misshapen head)
  • Childhood injuries, especially to the head.
  • Herniated disks, sciatica, back pain of all degrees. Any specific body pain.
  • Old injuries, fractures, sprains, strains.
  • Car accident related pain or derangements.
  • Migraine, headache, tinnitus, vertigo, TMJ.
  • Dental related or Post-orthodontic trauma leading to any of the above.
  • Injuries resulting from other practitioners.
  • Indigestion, constipation, asthma, and some forms of emotional shock.

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