Sunday, November 27, 2005

OMT and Ear Infection In Children


Researchers from Oklahoma State University are studying how osteopathic manipulation treatment (OMT) affects children with ear infections. OMT is a hands-on technique that allows fluids to drain from the head and neck, so bacteria and viruses are less likely to grow. Researchers studied 57 children. Twenty-five patients received routine pediatric care plus OMT, while 32 patients received only routine care. The patients ranged in age from 6 months to 6 years old and all had, had three ear infections in the previous six months. Researchers found those who underwent OMT had fewer recurrent ear infections, fewer surgical procedures, and more time before they opted for surgery than those who only received standard care. Researchers say results of this study suggest a potential benefit of OMT as additional therapy for children with recurrent middle ear infections. Marian Mills, who uses OMT, says, "I think my criteria for using antibiotics or for sending someone for surgery are the same as they always were. I just don't seem to have the same need to do these things."

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