Friday, July 25, 2008

What is kyphosis?

Kyphosis is the forward curve in the middle of the spine, near the ribs. Here, the spine curves slightly outward, giving the back a gently rounded look. The normal range for this curve is 20 degrees to 50 degrees.

While some rounding is normal, doctors use the term kyphosis to refer to curves that are out of the usual range. You may also hear doctors call this hyper-kyphosis.

In children as well as adults, kyphosis can cause a humpback look. It can also be painful. In more serious cases, kyphosis can cause problems in the heart and lungs. It may make it more likely that your child will one day develop arthritis in his back.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

OMT Guru - The Real DO and Osteopathic Medical Blog

Hello Everyone,

You may want to bookmark this URL because this is the permanent new home of the OMT guru blog. We have moved from SDN and have established our own server.

Over a 1000 blogs are coming soon. Stay tuned.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008